Now, writing! Improving written expression to guarantee equality across students
2015ACUP 00175, PI: Naymé Salas
The goal of the project was to make a positive impact on the current written composition performance of students at compulsory-education levels attending schools in disadvantaged areas. The underlying assumption was that written composition is part of students’ basic competenci...
Teaching innovation project: Improving the scientific culture of Primary School teacher trainees
weqrwrqw, PI: Naymé Salas
L'ensenyament de la llengua escrita al nostre context és víctima de nombrosos malentesos al voltant del seu desenvolupament i aprenentatge. Sovint, això provoca que l'ensenyament a les aules no estigui basat en teories actuals sobre com s'aprèn a llegir i a escriure. Els resultat...